Strange Wedding Superstitions, Myths and Traditions
Since the start of weddings, there have been tons of different superstitions, traditions and beliefs that each culture created and adapted into each of their ceremonies. So let’s take a look at some of them!
We’ve heard of it, but why do we do it?
We have all heard about the groom carrying the bride across the threshold into their home, but the reasoning for this is that they believed that this was a brave act to protect her from evil spirits lurking below.
Everyone knows that engagement and wedding rings are worn on the fourth finger of the left hand, however the reasoning behind it is actually quite romantic. They started this tradition because it was once thought that a vein in that finger led directly to the heart.
On their wedding day brides must have “something old” to symbolize the “continuity of the past” which loosely translates to continue having that deep family connection once the bride has been married.
The saying of having “something blue” symbolizes purity, fidelity and love which is why a lot of people say that a blue sapphire is the best stone to have for marriage.
Traditionally when it comes time for the wedding during a Christian Ceremony, the bride is supposed to stand to the groom’s left. This is because way back in time, the groom needed his right hand free so he could fight off other suitors.
Some of the Oldest Wedding Traditions
Wedding cakes got started all the way back in Ancient Rome. This happened when party goers would break a loaf of bread over a bride’s head to symbolize and help the bride for fertility’s sake.
Stag parties otherwise known as bachelor parties in this day and age were originally held by ancient Spartan soldiers. These parties symbolized one last celebration to end the bachelor’s “single” days.
I had always heard that a bride wearing a veil symbolized chastity, however that wasn’t the case when it originated from the Ancient Greeks and Romans. They thought the veil protected the bride from evil spirits who were jealous of her happiness.
The tradition of the bride wearing white on her wedding day started in Japan. It was already popular on that side of the world before Queen Victoria debuted a white gown making it a popular choice in the West.
The “here comes the bride” chorus that we are so familiar with is actually due to Queen Victoria who played it during her wedding processional in 1858.
Beautiful Wedding Traditions
A beautiful tradition in South Africa, a fire is carried to the newlyweds hearth (fireplace) from each of the parents of both the groom and bride from their own hearths. This is done in hopes to bring good luck to a new marriage.
In Egypt, once the wedding is over the bride’s family does the cooking for a week so that the new couple can relax.
Tired cakes originally came from a game in which the bride and groom attempt to kiss over the tall cake without knocking it over.
Slipping out of your own wedding reception unnoticed in Venezuelan culture is good luck.
Wearing a black gown down the aisle was started by a Spanish tradition to symbolize “till death do us part.”
Interesting Wedding Traditions
There is a legend that claims if a single woman wishes to dream of their future husband, they must sleep with a slice of groom’s cake under their pillow.
There was a tradition in Denmark where brides and grooms cross-dressed in order to confuse evil spirits.
Engagement rings weren’t always around, however one of the earliest engagement rings was given to Princess Mary. She was the daughter of Henry VIII and was only two-years old at the time it was given to her.
Back in the days of Ancient Romans, they studied pig entrails in order to see when the luckiest time to get married was.
According to Hindu tradition it is actually good luck if it rains on your wedding day. It is believed that it signifies a strong marriage.
Wonderful Wedding Traditions
In Morocco, women take milk baths in order to purify themselves before their wedding ceremony.
A bride receives henna designs on her hands and feet the day before the wedding. The effects should be calming for the bride in order to help her de-stress before her big day.
While a lot of us are used to signing in a guest book, the Dutch use a wishing tree instead. Guests write little god wishes and hang them from an actual tree branch or a small potted tree.
An old Japanese tradition for the bride, groom and each of their parents to share a sip of sake from the same cups. This symbolizes the families becoming united.
In Australian weddings the family and friends of the groom and bride gather small rocks and bring them to the ceremony to place in a bowl together. It is also known as “the Unity Bowl”, it serves as a reminder of all the love and support that the new couple has.