What to Do The Night Before Your Wedding


The night before your wedding can be one of the most stressful times of your life. You may be feeling anxious, nervous, stressed, happy, or all these emotions at once. It is so important to try and relax the night before your wedding.


This is a night to do some self-care and indulges in spa treatments that you would never do otherwise. The night before your wedding can give you some big jitters but there are a few things you can do to make the night before fun and relaxing.


Here are a few of the best things you can do for yourself before your wedding day. These tips will help you de-stress before you make your way to your Georgia wedding venue.

Eat Your Favorite Healthy Meal

The night before your wedding is not the time to eat anything greasy or drink too much. This is the time to choose your favorite healthy meal and nourish your body.


Stress foods can be craving but when you indulge in greasy pizza and a bag of chips you may get a food hangover the next day that you will want to avoid.

Grab Your Water Bottle and Hydrate

Keep some nice cool water nearby. You will want to keep hydrated the day before your event and of course the day of your event. This will help you keep dehydration away.


Many Georgia wedding venues are known for their heat and you will want to keep hydrated. Becoming too dehydrated can cause you to stress out more over your wedding.

Turn Your Phone Off

You may think about scrolling through your Instagram feed but the truth is so many people will be reaching out to you that it can become overwhelming.


Allow someone else to take charge of your calls and last-minute details. This will help you focus on your self-care night better.

Watch Something Funny

When you’re stressed out there is no better remedy than to watch something funny. When you can let loose a laugh it may help the stress slide off your shoulders.


This is the best way to make yourself smile and feel happy.

Practice Yoga

If you feel like you haven’t been able to breathe the last few months, it may get worse the day before your wedding. Sit outside, watch the sunset, and practice yoga breaths.


Five minutes of mediation may be all you need to wind the day down for a restful night of sleep. However, you can sit and do this for as long as you need.

Do Your Nightly Beauty Ritual

Chances are if you have been planning a wedding you will have come up with a skincare routine that you love. The night before your wedding is the best time to keep it going.


Don’t add in any new products in case you break out but stick with the routine you have been doing for the last few months.


Having a clean face will help when you do your makeup on your wedding day.

Spend Time with Your Partner

The standard tradition is to not see your spouse before the ceremony, but we are seeing more and more young couples break this. You may not want to be separated from your partner the night before and that’s okay.


Sometimes the best thing you can do the night before your wedding is to relax with the person you love the most.