Honestly, no bride thinks about all of the things they shouldn’t be doing before their wedding. Most brides have a mile-long list of things they need to get done before their wedding day. It’s stressful!


Luckily, we’ve done the hard part for you and compiled a list of no no’s the week before your wedding. This is the time to take care of those last-minute details, but it’s also the time when decisions made from stress should be avoided. 


The week before your wedding is the week to avoid anything super new that could cause hiccups in your wedding plans. Put away that new fasting diet book you just bought or the diet pills that promise a miracle. Here is what else you should be avoiding. 


Don’t Go For a New Hair Color

Your hair might look spectacular, a shade darker or burgundy red, but this is not the week to experiment. Yes, you may have stunning results, but you will be upset if you hate the outcome; it’s best to leave this alone. 


Once your wedding is over, that is the time to try something new. After all, it’s a new chapter in life. What better way to celebrate your new relationship status than with a new bold color? After the wedding is the perfect time for new hair. 

A Bold New Cut

There is a time and place for everything. However, it’s not the week of your wedding. Maybe you’ve been dreaming of a new bob to go with your new husband; it can wait. 


Chances are, before your wedding day, you met a makeup artist and hairstylist who pre-planned the look you are after. Going from super long hair to a bold short cut can ruin your stylist’s plans. 


A new hairstyle can alter the way the neckline of a dress looks, or get in the way of wedding accessories, the veil may not look right, or your hair may turn out differently than expected.


Fun cuts can be a great way to spice up your look, but your look should remain consistent while planning a wedding. This is a stressor that you can easily avoid on your wedding day. 

Don’t Splurge On Alcohol

We know how easy it is to want to go all out the week before your wedding. Maybe the stress is adding up, and you feel like you need a few cocktails to get through it. Weddings are hard to plan; we get it!


However, alcohol is filled with calories that you don’t need. This is a drink that can also leave you feeling puffy and bloated, which is never a good thing the week of your wedding. Feel confident and avoid alcohol. 


It can be tempting to continue drinking, but it is not great for your health or stress. Alcohol is a good thing to avoid on your wedding day or even just the week prior. 

Juice Cleanses

You’ve been working hard on your workout routines, dropped some weight, and feel amazing. But, that little worm in your brain says, “wouldn’t it be great to drop a few extra pounds?” This thought may cause you to think a juice cleanse the week of your wedding is beneficial. 


Juicing cleanses are all the rage on social media. Food is fuel. You will need the calories and energy to get your last-minute tasks done and keep you going through the weekly stress before your wedding day. 


Cleanses are typically high in sugar which can cause breakouts, and sometimes these cleanses can lead to upset stomachs. Juice cleanses are one of the top things to avoid the week of your wedding. 


Skincare routines should be set in place one year to six months before your wedding. If you are planning to do any peels or microdermabrasion, you should do it one to two months before your wedding. 


These are harsh treatments that help the outermost layer of your skin shed off. It is actually good for your skin but is so harsh that it may leave your skin looking blotchy and red. Stick to your basic at-home skincare routine the week of the wedding. 


What Should You Do The Week Of Your Wedding?

The most important thing is to focus on those small details but also fit in time for self-care. You’ve spent months planning this wedding, it’s time to start enjoying your wedding time. Visit the venue to get a second glance at the space and feel confident in your choice.