Here are some considerations to take into account when choosing between one dress or two on your wedding day.


When it comes to planning your wedding, there are so many different things to think about. Today we’re going to go over something many brides think about: should you have one dress or two on your wedding day?


Let’s get started and go over everything you need to know about planning your wedding outfit. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have more questions about this topic or if you’d like to take a tour of our gorgeous outdoor Georgia wedding venue.

One Dress or Two?

Some people love having multiple dresses on their wedding day. However, others like the simplicity and the classic nature of only having one dress. Below are some of the top considerations to take into account if you’re not sure whether you should go with one dress or wear multiple.

Choosing One Dress

There are a few different benefits that you can expect to get if you choose one dress. Let’s go over some of the biggest reasons why many people choose one dress instead of wearing two.


Budget: One of the biggest reasons why many people choose to wear one dress is their budget. If you have a tight wedding budget, then you may want to just invest in one dress instead of two. With that being said, there are lots of budget-friendly options you can look through if you’re interested in choosing two dresses.


Continuity: Another benefit of one dress is continuity. You’ll be wearing the same thing in all the wedding photos and you’ll be able to look back and remember how much you loved your dress.

Choosing Two Dresses

While choosing one dress can be a great option, there are a few reasons why you should consider having multiple dresses. Below are some of the top benefits that can come from having multiple dresses.


Comfortability: It’s no secret that wedding dresses can be somewhat inconvenient to wear. By choosing a separate dress for your wedding reception, you can be sure that you’ll be comfortable and able to dance easily.


More Options: If you’re someone who likes having options, then two dresses could be the right choice for you. If you fell in love with two dresses when you were bridal shopping, then you may be able to wear both of them on your wedding day.

Choosing Your Wedding Outfit

Your wedding outfit is one of the biggest things that you’ll need to think about during the planning process. Many people look back on their wedding day and have fond memories of their dress (or dresses!), so make sure that you give yourself enough time to shop and explore all your different dress options.


We hope that this guide has been helpful as you decide whether to wear one dress or two. Feel free to reach out to us if you have further questions, we’re always here to help!