- Learning Everything About Spray Tans Before Your Wedding –
You may be dreaming about walking down the aisle with a pristine white gown, and a luxurious glow like you just got off the plane from Bali. Most of us can’t afford a trip across the world for the perfect beach tan but instead opt for a wedding spray tan.
It can seem like such a good idea to pick up a few bottles of self-tanner, but the idea of dealing with tanning streaks on your wedding day is terrifying.
Luckily, we have the do’s and don’ts of spray tans for brides. So, put away your bottles of spray tan and let us help you decide what your next steps are before your Georgia wedding.
What To Do Before a Spray Tan
You can do several things to ensure your spray tan turns out beautiful. Here are some of the best tips we’ve collected from other brides who used spray tans before their wedding day.
Exfoliate Before Your Spray Tan
Many brides think they should be exfoliating every day before their wedding, but the truth is that is way too much. You Should be exfoliating two or three times a week before your wedding day.
The week before you get your spray tan, you should exfoliate and do any hair removal. This is also the time you should get a pre-wedding facial. Get your spray tan two days before your wedding.
Experiment With Color
You should always choose to get your wedding spray tan two to three days before the big day. However, a few months before your wedding, you need to start experimenting with color.
Different spray tan levels will turn different colors.
Find the best option for your skin tone and what works well with your wedding dress. When you find the color you love, choose it before your wedding.
Always Prep Before the Wedding Spray Tan
Before getting your spray tan, you need to apply moisturizer to your hairline, knees, feet, hands, elbows, and any dry areas on your body. Moisturizer acts as a barrier and dilutes the spray tan in these areas, and helps the tan look more natural.
Go To The Right Salon
Every salon will have a different formula for spray tans or different options. Months before your big day, it’s time to start experimenting with local salons.
Find the place that you love and the machine that does the best work.
Fix The Mistakes
You can use baby oil to rub out dark spots and then exfoliate it after ten minutes. It will be streak-free and blend in with the rest of the tan.
Wedding Spray Tan Don’ts
You should avoid a few things when getting a spray tan for brides.
Don’t Skip The Trials
Many brides think they can just wing it a few days before their wedding. But this is the number one thing to avoid.
You always want to pick out the salon, color, and level of spray tan before your big day.
Don’t Go for the Wrong Shade
Most brides want to go darker, but going a shade too dark for your skin tone will not work well in pictures.
Pick something that compliments your natural skin tone and stick with it.
Don’t Forget Touch-Ups
Remember to reapply an at-home self-tanner every two to three days for the face and once a week for the body. Because of increased exposure and everyday washing, the self-tan on your face fades quicker.
Don’t Procrastinate
You will be super busy the days before your wedding, but your spray tan should be done two days before. Doing it the day of or the day before your wedding can lead to tanning mishaps. Trying out a new color the day of your wedding may also affect how your wedding makeup looks.