Here are some of the top things to consider the night before your wedding.


If your wedding day is approaching fast, you may be wondering what you need to do to prepare the night before. In this blog, we’ll go over some of our top tricks and tips you can use to make sure that you’re being proactive and planning ahead.


If you’re feeling unsure about what to do the night before your wedding, you’re not alone. At Spring Lake Events, we love helping couples and answering their questions, so we put together this blog.

The Night Before

The night before your wedding can be exciting, scary, and busy. It’s important that you make sure you’re on the right track for your wedding day by being intentional the night before.


Take a look at the following list and don’t be afraid to make additions based on your specific situation. Good luck and we wish you the best on your wedding day!

Get Rest

It’s typical for a wedding day to be jam packed, so it’s important that you get enough rest the night before. While it may be tempting to party with your bridal party or stay up late, it’s essential that you get a full night of sleep.


We recommend that you plan the day before your wedding backwards, starting with the time that you want to go to bed. This can be a great way to make sure that you don’t run out of time and have your sleep impacted.

Eat a Good Meal

You may not have much time to eat on your wedding day, so make sure that you have a good dinner the night before. Making sure that you’re nourished can have a hugely positive impact on your wedding day, so plan ahead and have a meal available.

Vendor Tips

If you’re going to be giving your vendors cash tips on your wedding day, make sure that you plan ahead and have the right amount of cash available. We typically recommend that couples choose someone they trust to be in charge of the tipping process so it’s one less thing to worry about.

Write a Letter

The night before your wedding can be an incredibly meaningful time to write your future spouse a letter. Whether you give it to them the next day or in a year, it can be very special to look back on that moment.


If you’re going to be writing a letter but don’t know what to include, consider writing about your hopes, wishes, and dreams for the future.

Check Your Outfit

Wedding outfits tend to have a lot of details, so it’s important that you make sure every part of your outfit is taken care of. From remembering where your shoes are to making sure you know how to tie your tie, take a moment to make sure that everything is squared away.